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  • vault@pragicts.com


Software platforms and applications are omnipresent and have a touchpoint to most lifestyle functions from personal, commercial, business, professional, etc. Deployment and management of software from on-premise, cloud and hybrid bring forth challenges pertaining to constant rock-solid security.

Login credentials of these systems, if not managed with the utmost care, the slightest of compromises can lead to major disruption and irreparable loss of stakeholder confidence, revenue, and lawsuits.

Credentials are still stored and managed in most primitive ways including memorizing, storing in less secure media, writing down, etc.

The Vault by PragICTS provides you a multi-layer secured software platform that can be installed on-premise, cloud and hybrid setups for the secure storage and management of all your software and appliance admin credentials. This also enables you to define strong lengthy passwords and renew them on a regular basis with ease. Designated staff can access these from any location with 2-step verification on top of the login process.

Featured Highlights


Layered security (SSL + Login Credentials + PIN + Encryption + 2-step Authentication)

100% Web Browser Based

No client end software is required and access it from any valid location.

100% Responsive

Effective operation from any device (phone, tab, laptop, desktop, HDTV,etc.)

100% Open Source

Host it on any deployment configuration (on-premise, cloud, hybrid, etc.)

Live Dashboard

For real-time tracking and corrective action