• General

  • +94 11 70 4598 983 (WhatsApp)

  • Email

  • vault@pragicts.com

Platform Features

100% Customizable

The Vault can be customized to meet your exact business and industry needs.

100% Web Browser Based

All required is a web browser to manage the platform and execute feedback. No client end software is required.

100% Responsive

Vault platform scales to any Internet Enabled Device (phone, tab, laptop, desktop, HDTV, etc.).

100% Open Source

Vault is engineered on a 100% open source technology stack. This enables the for effective deployment on any platform configuration (on-premise and cloud)

Application Features

Multi-layered security

Passwords are encrypted and stored and access to the application is through a multi-layered access mechanism from login-credentials to PIN authentication to 2 step-verification.

Controlled access

Access and password access management through user access with user roles

Encrypted Password Storage

Passwords are encrypted and stored in the database and description is through 2-step authentication at the point of request

Multiple client definition

Ability to define multiple clients for application and password associations

Password management by application

Define, store and manage passwords by applications


Customized reports for effective client, application, password, and user acces management